Artifacts and Their Commentaries
Here, you will find several artifacts that I have created over the past five semesters. I made a conscious effort to give a good variety in the artifact mediums. You will find three papers, two screencasts, a podcast, and a Webquest. I also made an effort to represent the timespan of my degree program. You will find examples from four of my five semesters. Paired with each artifact is their commentary, reflecting on how they relate to the MATC Program Standards and Program Goals. In the drop-down menu, the "S" refers to Program Standards and the "G" to Goals. For a complete list of Program Standards and Goals, click here. In the case that the artifact is a document, the page will contain both an embedded version and a downloadable version. In the event that the artifact is contained somewhere else on the internet, the link will be provided. The commentary for the artifact will be given below the artifact. You may also navigate to the artifacts using the links provided below.
Artifact #1: Reflection on Great Teachers and Great Teaching (Spring 2010)(Standard 1, Goal 2)
Artifact #2: Music Festival Webquest (Summer 2010)(Standard 2, Goal 2)
Artifact #3: Wicked Problem Project (Summer 2011)(Standards 3 &4, Goal 1)
Artifact #4: Personal Learning Plan Podcast (Summer 2011)(Standard 4, Goal 2)
Artifact #5: Review of Research (Spring 2011)(Standard 5, Goal 1)
Artifact #6: Jing Tutorial (Summer 2011)(Standard 6, Goal 3)
Artifact #7: Professional Development (Spring 2011)(Standard 6, Goal 3)
Artifact #1: Reflection on Great Teachers and Great Teaching (Spring 2010)(Standard 1, Goal 2)
Artifact #2: Music Festival Webquest (Summer 2010)(Standard 2, Goal 2)
Artifact #3: Wicked Problem Project (Summer 2011)(Standards 3 &4, Goal 1)
Artifact #4: Personal Learning Plan Podcast (Summer 2011)(Standard 4, Goal 2)
Artifact #5: Review of Research (Spring 2011)(Standard 5, Goal 1)
Artifact #6: Jing Tutorial (Summer 2011)(Standard 6, Goal 3)
Artifact #7: Professional Development (Spring 2011)(Standard 6, Goal 3)